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How Google Ad Grants will help you reach more donors

How Google Ad Grants will help you reach more donors

(Unsplash) Is your Charity making the most of the Google Ad Grant scheme? The Google Ad Grants scheme provides non-profits with up to £7,000 in ads per month to raise awareness, attract donors and recruit volunteers. At its core, the scheme is about supporting...

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Wellbeing tips for the new year

Wellbeing tips for the new year

Getting through the winter months is never easy. The new year's excitement is coming to an end, and the wintery bitterness seems to be persisting, so we thought we'd share some ways we've been working through the January blues, and a couple of suggestions that we've...

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Wilma Henry

UX/UI Designer

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. dummy text of the printing Ltting industry.