Personal Assistant Support

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If you need assistance in organising your schedule, managing your diary, and handling day-to-day tasks, our PA Support is tailored just for you.

Let us take care of you, allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters.

Meeting Preparation

You’ve secured that crucial meeting with your ‘ideal client,’ and now there’s the preparation to do.

Whether it’s gathering insights on their company, crafting a presentation, researching attendees, or planning logistics like travel and parking, we’re here to ensure you’re well-prepared when you arrive.

Collating or Preparing Meeting Papers

Preparing papers for meetings can be time-consuming, whether for team performance reviews, board meetings, or conferences.

Let us assist with templates, collecting information from contributors, chasing up outstanding data, drafting reports, and efficiently distributing packs to your team.

Event Management
Event planning is exciting but demanding. We’ve arranged everything from team meetings, board meetings and conferences to award ceremonies and children’s parties.

We can help with everything from issuing invitations to venue research and bookings, liaising with guests, coordinating speakers, AV setups, lighting, and even managing details like gifts and flowers.

We might also be able to help on the day – manning the registration desk and welcoming guests if you need us to. To find out more, see our events page.

Diary Management

Beyond scheduling appointments, we can make room bookings, check hotel arrangements, and organise your travel, ensuring your day runs smoothly.

We even carve out time for travel and lunch. Whatever you need to make sure your day goes smoothly.

Appointment Making
Grow your business without getting stuck in email-tennis.

We take care of setting up meetings, calling or emailing contacts to confirm important appointments, ensuring no opportunities slip through the cracks.

Email Management

Struggling to stay on top of your overflowing inbox? Are you overwhelmed by the number of emails you receive and worry you might have missed something?

Let us manage your emails, highlighting important messages, responding to FAQs, and decluttering unnecessary items. Our goal is to give you a worry-free inbox experience, and yes, we love a zero inbox.

We understand that travel is a necessary (and not always enjoyable) part of your day, and that things can change at short notice.

We can assist in preparing itineraries, planning journeys, researching and booking flights and hotels, and even securing restaurant reservations.

Holiday Cover

When your regular PA is on leave, planned or unplanned, we can step in seamlessly to provide you with cover – that means that your world is not going to stop turning.

Reminder Services
When you have a super-busy schedule, it’s easy to forget things. Let us be your reminder service, whether it’s birthdays, anniversaries, or even sending next week’s cinema listings.

We can take this off your mind so you don’t need to worry about forgetting – as long as you tell us about it in the first place of course!

Contact us now on 07814 218142 or via our contact form.

Imagine having the time and headspace to focus, spend quality time with family and friends, reach new clients and continue to grow your organisation…

“Working with Joanne has been transformative – she has helped me to move towards creating accessible systems and processes so that I can outsource many of the tasks I was previously stuck doing inefficiently myself.

Perhaps just as importantly working with Joanne has also made me feel differently about my business, she is far more than a PA she is another member of the team who shows a genuine interest in, and commitment to my business. I would recommend her without reservation.”

Sam Delbaere

Leadership & Learning Consultant / Company Director

If this sounds like what you need, we’d love to talk to you.